Monday, April 30, 2012

Starting on My Desk Tidy

So far I have had two lessons in the workshop making my desk tidy. In this first lesson I cut out two squares of acrylic and glued them together for the base. In the next lesson I sanded this down into the shape of a circle and cut out and sanded the piece I am using for my iPhone stand. So far everything has gone well, except for the colour of the acrylic for the base. When I chose it I thought that it was solid black, and I didn't realise that it was transparent until the end of the lesson. I have decided to keep working with this colour as I don't want to waste time remaking the base.

Isometric Drawing of Desk Tidy

This is the isometric drawing of my desk tidy design that I drew in class today. I am happy with how it looks, and it will be able to hold the the nessicary items. The front two tubes can be used to hold small items, like keys and coins, while the back two tubes can be used to hold longer things, like pencils and pens. I'm looking forward to starting to work on my desk tidy and hopefully it won't be hard to make.